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nssmag point of view about Milan Design Week

nssmag point of view about Milan Design Week

 Milan Design Week  is over - and unbelievable: the green bridge of Porta Genova miraculously didn't collapse also this time.

It's time to go back walking around Milan like a human being - abandoning the funeral march that we were forced to use along Tortona's district - and to get back working comfortably seated on our Ikea's chairs - in sale now at 29 euro. But you know, for the design, this and more.

Jokes aside, the MDW was not only a lethal mix of chaos, traffic, street food, design lovers (or pseudo-ones) and stress. It was primarily an opportunity to understand that in a world seemingly dominated by improvised conosseur, there is still a niche of people who are really able to do things. And they do it well.

It's reassuring to know that the passion, the real one, can be still able to open - and in this case as well to plan, design and build - doors.

Creativity was in the air and we have seen, heard and touched it with #MDWLIVE: here's the summary. 

#Louis Vuitton Objets Nomades

#Marni Mercado de Paloquemao

#Elita Design Week Festival 


#Cos x Snarkitekture
#Dimore Studio 
#Tokyo Design Week
#Gnam Box
#Antonio Marras 
# Stone Island