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Boramy Viguier

Paris, France


Menswear Designer

Paris, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I am pessimistic. This situation is tragic. Thinking that this pandemic is not the last. It is taking huge proportions as everything in our world seem to have value if it is huge. I hope that small qualitative proportions are going to be more valuable. I hope that gigantism is finally going to be considered ugly. That local value is going to be the ultimate value. I live on the second floor of a building and my office is on the ground floor. I can work every day. Without shipped sourcing, without a team, without opened shops as everybody else. I have to work with what I have. I found something and I have to make it something else. It is better like that in a way. I don’t produce by choice but by necessity. And necessity is the master inspiration.


What is your soundtrack?

I've been listening to a lot of Ennio Morricone, Neil Young, Empusae, Christophe and Kurgal. Dead Can Dance as usual. Also Bernardino Femminielli aka Fleur de Garçon and Rendez Vous.