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Love looks not with the eyes

Anne Deniau's book on Alexander McQueen

Love looks not with the eyes  Anne Deniau's book on Alexander McQueen

Anne Deniau e Alexander McQueen erano amici.

Si incontrano per la prima volta alla fine del 1996, lavorano entrambi da Givenchy, lei come fotografa, lui come direttore creativo.

Diventano simbiotici e sono ancora uniti quando Alexander lancia il proprio marchio.

Per tredici anni la francese sarà l’unica a poter scattare i ritratti del geniale inglese, lo segue ovunque, dal backstage delle sfilate ai momenti più privati, immortalandolo mentre disegna, cuce, aggiunge dettagli, crea.

Più di 400 tra quelle immagini diventano ora un libro, Love Looks Not With the Eyes: Thirteen Years with Lee Alexander McQueen.

Ogni fotografia getta uno sguardo amorevole, intimo su un un uomo in grado di creare bellezza e unicità.



Anne Deniau and Alexander McQueen were friends.

They first met in the end of 1996, working both for Givenchy, she as photographer, he as creative director

They become symbiotic and they are still unite when Alexander launches his own brand.

For thirteen years the French girl will be the unique who can portray the genius English man, she follows him everywhere, from runaways backstage to more private moments, immortalizing him while is designing, sewing, adding details, creating.

More of 400 between that images become now a book, Love Looks Not With the Eyes: Thirteen Years with Lee Alexander McQueen.

Each photography, with love and intimacy, glance at a man able to create beauty and uniqueness.