The real street style of the Milano Fashion Week FW21
How yet another digital FW has changed street fashion
March 1st, 2021
Laurent Bentil
The Milan Fashion Week dedicated to the FW21 Women's collections began on February 24th and will continue until March 1st. As already happened for the men's proposals, the event took place largely digitally, with few exceptions, and always in the absence of the public.
Between the health emergency, which has once again changed plans and programs, and a general lack of big names on the calendar - with the exception of Valentino, that has chosen one of the symbols of the city as the setting for his show - the FW has gone quietly, failing to have that impact on the city that the events and physical shows of the past guaranteed. The FW still seems to be looking for an effective solution that can rekindle in the public the interest in digital fashion shows and innovative formats, which, more than ever, need to be engaging and original.
The digital format has had inevitable repercussions on one of the most important components of the event, street style. For three seasons now, street fashion has changed its face, it has become more reserved and difficult to read. The looks appear more genuine, less studied and therefore more interesting. There is a sort of stylistic and aesthetic relaxation that is well suited to the times we are living in, but which in the end we hope represents only a moment of transition, towards the return to the normality that we liked so much.
Laurent Bentil toured the streets of Milan in search of the best looks of this strange MFW. nss magazine has collected them here.