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Gigi and Bella Hadid against Donald Trump


Gigi and Bella Hadid against Donald Trump #NoBanNoWallMarch

If Gigi and Bella Hadid take to the streets to protest against Donald Trump, the question must be dead serious. After the Women's March last weekend that brought together millions of people and many celebrities, from Madonna to Alicia Keys, on January 29 in New York it was the turn of #NoBanNoWallMarch. The reason for the new demonstration? Obviously the recent US President political choices willing to curb immigration, building a wall to stem the influx of Mexicans in the United States and preventing access to the country for an indefinite period for the Syrians and the Muslim refugees for at least 120 days. The Hadid sisters have joined the protest and marched along with 10,000 other people, for equality carrying a sign that read: "We are all Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, atheists, Christians and Jews". Supporters of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Gigi, Bella and their brother Anwar are, like many Americans, children of immigrants. In fact, their mother, Yolanda, is Dutch, while their father is Muslim, born in Nazareth and raised in Damascus, Tunisia and Greece before moving to Washington as a teenager. Even Zayn Malik, Gigi's boyfriend, is Anglo-Pakistani origin. So it makes perfect sense to see the two Instagirls defend their opinions and origins in the crowd of Battery Park. The two models are just the latest famous voices to express their disagreement with Trump and in recent days, many have emphasized the absurdity of the tycoon outrageous policy. They did it from the stage of the Screen Actors Guild Awards Taraji P.Henson (aka the Cookie Empire) and Emma Watson, but also Rihanna who wrote on Twitter: "Disgusted! The news is devastating! America is being ruined right before our eyes! What an immoral pig you have to be to implement such BS!!". Good question. Too bad it lacks an equally good response. So we just have to protest to try to obtain a better and more equal future.