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How to interpret dyslexia

A graphic project by Lukasz Pachalko

How to interpret dyslexia A graphic project by Lukasz Pachalko

It's interpreted, told, explained  and sometimes understood, but never as much as the ones who suffer from it: dyslexia, a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to read and understand a full written text while understanding every word of it, is a desease more diffused than it seems.

But what actually happens in the mind of a dyslexic person?

The graphic project of Lukasz Pachalko faces the problems and misconceptions surrounding dyslexia, and aims to be a support for dyslexics. Rich of Polish typography, the work consists of a guide, posters and illustrations of common errors and diagnostic tests.

With a rather monochromatic palette with spurts of green and pink, Lukasz tries to clarify a topic that is often insufficiently communicated.