Goodbye to cars in the Fashion Quadrilateral
La nuova iniziativa del comune di Milano per rendere pedonale il quartiere dello shopping
July 12th, 2023
From the first half of 2024, there will be no more Ferraris parked in front of the Marchesi, no more Lamborghinis in front of the Cova: Milan's fashionable quadrangle is to become a pedestrian-only district. The Lombardy City Council recently adopted a mobility package to reduce pollution and promote traffic in the city centre. In the process, bold measures were taken to ease traffic congestion and promote sustainable initiatives.
A Milano la giunta comunale ha deciso lo stop al traffico privato nella zona del cosiddetto "Quadrilatero della moda"a partire dall'inizio del 2024. Niente più auto,dunque,tra Via Monte Napoleone,Via Manzoni,Via della Spiga e Corso Venezia, le strade dello shopping di lusso. pic.twitter.com/nJVed2xKiT
Mayor Giuseppe Sala underlined the importance of this decision by saying: «This is a measure that many large international cities are implementing. We want to send a clear signal about how we want to organize traffic in the city centre. We will work to remove roadside parking spaces that are rotating and not for residents». Sala further explained. «The message we want to send to citizens is: do not drive into the centre because you can not park there» with the exception of underground garages, residents and, of course, taxi traffic.