The unity of the family in the Snow Peak FW21 campaign
The protagonist of the shots is the artist Takashi Tomii together with his wife and children
August 24th, 2021
The Japanese brand Snow Peak, founded by Yukio Yamai in 1980, has always been a family business and family values have always been at the heart of its philosophy. This is why since the FW20 season, all the brand's campaigns have focused on real families and their lives and, for the campaign dedicated to the next winter season, the brand has told through a series of photographs the life of the wood craftsman Takashi Tomii, his wife Miyuki and their three children in their home in Nagaoka, in Japan. Tomii was chosen because of his work as a carver, with his passion for creating objects that improve the lives of those who use them and enrich his experiences – the same kind of ethos that feeds the work of Snow Peak.
The garments of the FW21 collection intend to go beyond the traditional outdoor clothing codes, overcoming the division between nature and urban life with both functional and elegant clothes inspired by the classic Japanese workwear. Precisely the idea of the essentiality and functionality of traditional workwear blends with the lifestyle and artistic discipline of Takashi Tomii who, together with his family, carries out a life in close contact with the natural environments of their hometown, with its harsh and snowy winters.