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Alec Leach

Berlin, Germany


Writer and consultant

Berlin, Germany


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I’m taking it day by day. Trying to stick to a routine, but at the same time, it’s nice to just let go and be a human being for a bit. To just exist for a while. I’m trying to find the joys of really simple things. Cleaning my apartment or taking care of my hair. It feels like all this quiet is creating a lot of mental space, and I hope that when things return to normal that we’ll be a lot gentler on ourselves. That the world will go a bit slower. Of course, it’s not always easy. There’s a lot of great content about mental health right now, so I’m reading lots of that. Understanding that we are all going through this together helps a lot when things get difficult. I am quietly hopeful that this period of chaos will lead to a better future, but I’m also scared of what will happen if it doesn’t. 


What is your soundtrack?

I’m listening to a lot of stoner metal and doom at the minute, like Bell Witch, Sleep and Windhand. It’s slow and atmospheric and that’s good for my mind right now. Some jazzy film noir stuff, too.