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Jet Le Parti

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Artist (painter)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

The quarantine period has not been the most radical experience for me. Prior to the virus I rarely left my home, and now that it’s illegal to leave, I still rarely leave my home. So all-in-all, nothing about my life has really changed. Most of my neighbours have left to return to their families so I have not received any noise complaints, which is pleasant. In regards to hassles,  I do not really have access to a consistent art supplier. My go-to supply shop has been ordered by their corporate office to not allow anyone into their stores, so I’ve had to participate in some inconspicuous exchanges with employees outside the store. I’ve also had to start using house paint, but honestly, that’s not the worst problem to have relative to everything else going on. Other than that, I’ve just been reading books, exploring ideas I don’t fully understand, and playing with different mediums - which is also nothing new. Fears: I don’t have any serious fears within my personal life. In regards to my professional life, I guess that this virus will (to a large capacity) change the dynamics of the art world, but I’ve never been too attached to it. I’ve always had a bit more of a digital approach - one where I am in control. I don’t really see that changing. Dreams: I was supposed to graduate from university this spring so I hope I get my degree, that would be very cool. I also was supposed to participate in a residency in Marseille, but I don’t see that happening. I dream that rent goes down in New York because my lease here ends in a month and I don’t think my landlord will allow me to re-sign with the current state of my room. 

What is your soundtrack? 

This kid named Vantane has been a go-to for the past year, also Jasper Wolff and AntonZap. I also make subpar mixes while I paint so you can listen here