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Hiba Schahbaz

New York, New York



New York, New York


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

Self Isolating for me means painting from home. As a full-time artist, I’m quite disciplined. I wake up at sunrise and meditate as usual and begin painting. I’m making small works for an online show @DeBuckGallery in May. To add some community and structure to my day, I meet a meditation group on IG live at 11 am/11 pm led by my healer @healerfrank. It’s free and open to everyone and it keeps me grounded and open-hearted and fearless. In addition, I’m giving time to educate school and university students as parents are adjusting to homeschooling and working and friends are doing their best to translate art into learning online. I feel it’s important for me to be of service at this time. I’d like to allow this space which is painful and stressful to be as connecting and transformative as possible. Definitely my biggest fear is losing people I love, I especially worry for my parents in Pakistan as they are so far away I feel helpless to assist them in any way. It’s hard to see people struggling and I’m praying that we emerge from this pandemic stronger together. 


What is your soundtrack?

I’m listening to a lot of music on IG @dnice hosts club quarantine and @questlove DJs most evenings. They’re both amazing!