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Supreme says no to racism, sexism and authority

With a t-shirt

Supreme says no to racism, sexism and authority  With a t-shirt

Supreme launched a t-shirt to strongly scream: NO! A t-shirt that says: “Say no to racists, to sexists pigs, to authority figures, to religion, to television, to patriotism, to political ideologies, and any of the thousand and one ways in which this society keeps you from realizing your own needs and desires”, to express its disappointment with a bigoted society full of prejudices.

Everyone have to realize their dreams and their goals, whatever the way to get there is. The scream ends saying "Just say fuck off. You'll get a lot of satisfaction". A message that's full of values, essentially political, that Supreme has decided to support, even if only by sharing a photo via their Instagram account and without a press release. Anyway, we support this message and suggest you to visit the brand site.