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James Edward Quaintance

The game of males

James Edward Quaintance The game of males
Stefano Carloni

Anagrafe James Edward Quaintance III, but in his blood does not flow a drop of blue blood . Is red and dry, the clotted blood that congeals on ripped jeans after a nice skate park in the fall of Venice Beach, where James grows up and becomes a pro - skater professional.

Because James Quaintance is the model of the moment, the dark nemesis of Cara Delvingne. During  the fashion week, we have seen prowling do with relaxed and self confident, what the contradistingue for the streets of London where he lives and works for the best editorials of the world. But his life as a model is by far the least interesting of his picaresque existence. 

James is a Renaissance figure, embraces all the arts and seeks perfection in all its forms. With extreme dedication engages in various activities: Tattoo artist, Rock-star/Front Man, Pro-Skater, Cenaturo. Represents the romantic image of the pirate, angelic face and a body with a damask seamless network of tattoos. On his banner below the skull ivory two crossed skateboards broken.

His battle name is Jimmy Q, rules and impositions are not accepted, even the most classic enshrining the order in creation, so it makes a mockery of Newton and his law of universal gravitation, circling against all laws of physics with his board. In London, where he lived, sings in the punk rock band, The Formers Lover, which is obviously the front man. Centaur for several generations, even in this case has the tastes vitriolic, prefers bare, chrome and very noisy and to enjoy it in these shoes just take a fly in the video and clicked the Red Knight King.

Its taste is like a chameleon like chameleon is its ability to adapt to the environment in which each look dips, which is a set of Dazed or rough asphalt of Venice: the complete three-piece cloth tasmanian taste very prohibitionist 20 years, leaves with seamless space to nail blacks and super skinny jeans.

What would you like to do in the future?

“Succeed and get to the the top of everything I want to do. I strive to be the best.” James Edward Quaintance III