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Poppy Almond

Leeds, United Kingdom


Illustrator / Designer

Leeds, United Kingdom 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I work from home so I’m used to that part of quarantine. I'm trying to maintain my daily routine of getting up and making a coffee and then starting on my emails. I've been breaking up the day by going for a run when that mid-afternoon tiredness hits. I'm spending my evenings trying new recipes and painting. The majority of my design work is digital so it's been really nice to get away from the screen and create some work for myself. I am in lockdown at my parents' house, which I feel very lucky to be able to do but I fear I won’t be able to get back to my home in Leeds where the majority of my belongings and my boyfriend is.


What is your soundtrack?

I can’t stop listening to Tatsuro Yamashita - Fragile, I just discovered it and I've had it on repeat since! Also Kali Uchis- Isolation. Also very fitting.