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Michelle Del Rio

San Francisco, California


Fashion Designer

San Francisco, California


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams? 

Inspiration comes and goes. My room is a chrysalis where I heal from the world around me. I find myself in the garden watching the poppies dance with the wind. I’m scared that finding a job in my profession is going to get harder. I hope to move. I hope to find myself around a dinner table with friends again. I dream of a less anxious reality. I dream of picnics in the park with my love and his tender kisses under the sun. I dream of hugging my mother soon. I dream my hopes become realities, and I fear my hopes don’t become realities. 


What is your soundtrack? 

It’s all over the place. From Venezuelan folk to cloud rap to Iranian Psychedelic, it always depends on the kind of day I’m having. As of lately, Bob Lind’s Cool Summer has been on repeat.