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Josh Luber

Detroit, Michigan


StockX Co-founder 

Detroit, Michigan


How are you living in quarantine: fears and dreams?

We’re all navigating this new normal and for me as a leader, it is critical to find ways to connect, help people feel unified, and remind the world that we are all in this together. While in quarantine, I’ve been following CDC-recommended guidelines by working from home and limiting my interaction outside to only errands that essential (a.k.a grocery runs). I’ve also been super fortunate to have had the opportunity to take part in a handful of incredible virtual summits and conversations. I find it important to use these forums -- which are now more widely available to broader audiences --  as a vehicle for accessible, authentic, transparent conversations about what is going on in the industry. At a time of uncertainty when we’re all being forced to pivot and knowledge-sharing is more important than ever, I welcome the opportunity to be one of many engaged voices.  

This pandemic is, without a doubt, tragic; people are losing their lives, many are out of work. Of course, I fear the unknown and wish there was more clarity around the long-term effects, not only on my family but on my community. I’m hopeful, however, that when this is all over, we will be stronger for it and will be more resilient than ever. 

As far as my dreams go -- StockX is the best example of realizing a dream, so building this company and seeing its success thus far is really the ultimate dream-turned-reality. But, as I think about the future, I’m dreaming about the day when I’m back in the office ideating with my team -- we have some really exciting things coming down the pike and I’m looking forward to getting back to whatever a “new normal” looks like and being able to bring those things to life. 


What is your soundtrack?

Anything Eminem or Billy Joel.