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Nicolò Parsenziani

Milan, Italy



Milan, Italy 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

Being freelance I was used to spending most of my days in my home studio, definitely more used than my girlfriend. Living together in quarantine taught us to respect each other's time, to deepen some passions we had set aside, to get to know each other better and to put up with each other. Our dog Aida is living a sort of early paradise made of games and naps in front of the TV series. We did some shopping therapy buying a treadmill and a very big tv for movie nights at home. we cook, she does yoga, I play the guitar, we fight, we make love, we listen to music, we watch movies, I play too many videogames, we fight again. it's fun. But I need the rush, the Milanese rhythm and all those little things. I'm a very positive person, I'm not really afraid right now, I was afraid that my parents, relatives or friends would get infected. I dream of a summer that tastes like the sea, friends and freedom. 


What is your soundtrack?

NTS RADIO a lot! Daniel Caesar Won’t Live Here.