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Agathe Mougin

Paris, France



Paris, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I am living by myself in quarantine in Paris, France. Luckily, I have my dog Helmut. It is such a weird feeling ….. I am trying to give myself a routine. I live everyday as if it was the last day before I can go out again. I have been redecorating my flat over and over. I don’t look at the news anymore because it is pretty sad and disturbing. I feel like nature is taking back its power. My fears are obviously that somebody I know would get the virus. It is also a very hard time for work and finances. I saw all my of gigs getting canceled one by one. My dream is that a new energy will rise from this and that it will bring a lot of new opportunities and movement.


What is your soundtrack?

I am in a really mellow mood right now. I have been listening to full albums such as Pink Floyd, Simon & Garfunkel, Alabama 3, Nick Cave, Neil Young. Also more groovy things like George Clinton.