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Alessandro Rupilli

IED Milano


21 years old

Alba Adriatica (Teramo), Italy


How has your everyday-life changed? What do you do to fulfill your day?

I'm a very methodic guy, I try to keep myself the most active I can, both mentally and physically. That's why I started from the very beginning to organize my days. I wake up relatively soon, I workout in the morning and the rest of the day and night I try to commit to my school and personal projects. In particular, in this "suspended time" I think that we can invest our energies in turning back to all that we left pending in our lives and even start new projects that we never thought we could love.


Your work is built on creativity. While we’re all in quarantine, what is your solution to keep on being creative? Where do you find your inspiration in this moment?

The biggest help is to stay productive! I try to not waste any single minute of all this extra-time. I constantly feed my curiosity with everything that's around me, and I'm starting to appreciate what I wasn't even considering before. I started to sample new sounds in the garden for my projects. To be honest, I feel like I'm Shia La Beouf in Disturbia. Lately, I'm having such weird dreams and before I get to sleep I'm thinking about crazy ideas: I try to remember them and write them down, so that I can actually realize them in the morning. I'm very inspired by the digital world: I didn't wait a minute when I got the idea of an animation project, and a few days later I launched a new 3D work on Instagram. I think that this time could be useful to open ourselves to a new luggage of skills that we always wanted to improve.


What is your biggest fear right now?

I don't know, I have a lot of fears, starting from our own health to what the post-Coronavirus future will look like.


What will you do once all of this is over?

Everybody's asking this question and I noticed that the answers are pretty similar to everyone. Usually I'm not an optimist, I'm always hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I like to be surprised. For sure, this time will finally end at one point: I hope that there will be a new rising in every global industry, especially in the fashion world, so that this crisis could always be a reminder about how we have to righteously behave in the future, starting from re-thinking our entire way of live, think and produce.