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Narrative collages

Artworks by Eugenia Loli

Narrative collages Artworks by Eugenia Loli

Have you ever had those dreams where there is everything from monsters to relatives to Johnny Depp, all in a setting that seems the result of an hallucinogenic effect of LSD?

This is the sensation you get after watching the vintage-inspired collages of Eugenia Loli, film maker and artist of Greek origin living in California.

She says of his creations: "It 's important for me to say something with my work, and I usually do this through the presentation of a scene, like there's something bigger going on than what is simply depicted. Sometimes the scene is humorous or sarcastic, sometimes it's horrible, and shines almost a sense of danger, sometimes it's totally cool. I leave to the imagination of the viewer to fill in the blanks of the plot".