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Leonardo DiCaprio Loses Best Actor Award

Academy Awards 2014 GIF

Leonardo DiCaprio Loses Best Actor Award Academy Awards 2014 GIF

Also this year the curtain falls on the most stellar night of the year, the 86th edition of the Academy Awards. The Oscars have made us dream, as usual, with lots of spectacular selfie and satisfaction all made ​​in Italy : The Great Beauty of Sorrentino takes home the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Best Picture Oscar in 12 Years Slave of Steve McQueen.

The evening gave us very great fun and unforgettable moments like the super retweettate selfie Ellen Degeneres. But we overlook for a moment the winners because today we talk about who the Oscar alas, has not yet managed to take him home.

Briefly retracing its history, Leo makes his entrance on the big screen since the early '90s , playing various roles of success. She got her first Oscar nomination at age 19 for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Eating Gilbert Grape , receiving nominations in as many years.

Hard to imagine the state of mind of Leo after so much bitter disappointment. We try through these GIFs . Let's hope for him that after a good cry , can regain their strength and prepare for the next Awards. Leo does not give up!