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Interview with Carolina Amoretti

Fantabody Interview with Carolina Amoretti

Fantabody is a Fanta-project born in 2015 from an idea of ​​Italian photographer Carolina Amoretti. The brand produces extremely feminine – read: sexy – items, which represent an eclectic mix between "swimwear, activewear and underwear", as the same founder explained us.

We met Carolina to learn more about her project, and she was so kind to shoot some Fanta-pictures of the collection exclusively for nss:

#1 When was Fantabody born and how it is different from other beachwear/underwear brands?

Fantabody was born in the hot and serene Spring of 2015, created and powered by the synergies and enthusiasms of my female entourage in Milan – together with and hand in hand with Frida Affer’s Wovo store. Fantabody grows with a clear and independent vision. Not being my main occupation, it takes shape in my spare time and allows me to give voice to my imaginary impulses and without commercial constraints nor compromises. Besides taking care of the product, I like to create a story that accompanies a female universe. With humour and a little bit of malice, the "fantagirl" becomes aware of her body and her appeal. For all these reasons, Fantabody differs from other brands of the same field.

#2 Before being a designer, you are a photographer. In which proportion these two activities occupy your days?

I am a photographer and a creative, I would never dare defining myself as a designer. I’ve just developed an idea for a project and product. My days are fully occupied by both professions, but photography is my main interest and business.

#3 Fanta-future plans?

We are working on a video created with the help of some friends, that will be out soon to present a limited edition. Meanwhile, I try to accommodate Fantastic collaborations with artists and performers to introduce Fantabody worldwide.


Follow Fantabody on Instagram @fantabody_

Ph. Carolina Amoretti
Concept: Vanni Cacocciola
Model: Silvia Torassa