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The new contest to find the young talent of contemporary photography

In palio, 2000 franchi svizzeri e l’inclusione in una mostra a Lugano

The new contest to find the young talent of contemporary photography  In palio, 2000 franchi svizzeri e l’inclusione in una mostra a Lugano

Today the registrations for the 2022 edition of Unpublished Photos, a photographic contest dedicated to those born between 1986 and 2004, are officially open and will remain open until next April 11. The contest was born from the collaboration of important Italian-Swiss realities: the Culture and Museums Foundation and the MUSEC of Lugano, the 29 ARTS IN PROGRESS gallery of Milan and the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti of Venice together with the partners De Pietri Artphilein Foundation and Artphilein Editions. The goal is to explore new trends in contemporary photography, promoting an approach without limits or preconceptions to creative work and bringing in front of the public a new generation of photographers from all over the world. Up for grabs is a first prize of 2000 Swiss francs, a second prize of 1500 Swiss francs and 1000 Swiss francs for the third and fourth classified; but also the featuring of the finalists in a photographic booklet created ad hoc as well as an exhibition at MUSEC and an art book dedicated to the project of one of the finalists. 

The exhibition dedicated to the finalist projects and open from October 20, 2022 to February 12, 2023 at the Villa Malpensata in Lugano, will be an opportunity to bring the work of the young international creatives who participated in the competition before the eyes of collectors and photography enthusiasts and to highlight the new trends and expressive languages of the contemporary art scene. At the end of the exhibition, then, the photos of the exhibition will become part of the permanent collection of MUSEC. The jury, led by photographer Hans Georg Berger, is composed of prominent figures from the art world including writer Riccardo Calimani; the co-founder of 29 ARTS IN PROGRESS Gallery, Luca Casulli; the director of MUSEC, Francesco Paolo Campione, and the director of De Pietri Artphilein Foundation, Caterina De Pietri, together with Paolo Gerini, president of the Ada Ceschin and Rosanna Pilone Foundation and Giovanna Palandri, chancellor of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti.

To participate, applicants must submit their portfolios, consisting of 10 images, a description of the project and a brief biography by April 11. All information about the accessions is available at this link.