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Woolrich's new foundation for environment protection

In partnership with 1% for the Planet

Woolrich's new foundation for environment protection In partnership with 1% for the Planet

Woolrich, the oldest American outerwear brand, has partnered with 1% for the Planet to present the Woolrich Outdoor Foundation. The mission of the new foundation will be to protect and safeguard the natural world, redeveloping urban spaces, protecting forests and coasts. Thanks to the partnership with 1% for the Planet, Woolrich will donate one per cent of the revenue from single-brand store sales and e-commerce to support various environmental protection projects with reforestation and community assistance projects but also educational initiatives, advocacy and collaboration activities. 

Woolrich's donations will be distributed 50% in monetary contributions and the remaining 50% in products, volunteer hours, advertising and communication services or activities. Woolrich Outdoor Foundation's total investment in environmental projects over the next three years is expected to be no less than $3 million. This effort will enrich the already well-structured practices that the brand has implemented for production sustainability – both in terms of packaging, low impact materials and the care and repair of products. 

All information about Woolrich Outdoor Foundation projects is available on the brand's official website.