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Discovery expedition brand: Real Life is more interesting than fiction

Discovery expedition brand: Real Life is more interesting than fiction

Discovery enterprise International (DEI) presenta Discovery expedition, nuovo lifestyle fashion brand ispirato al mondo Discovery Channel. Dedicato ad un pubblico giovane, dinamico e consapevole, segue a pieno la filosofia Discovery: Real life is more interesting than fiction, ecco il filo conduttore dell'intera collezione. Giacche, maglieria, felpe, camicie, t-shirt e pantaloni resistenti, durevoli e dal design ricercato che coniugano innovazione e tecnologia con l'eccellenza del made in Italy. Inoltre una geniale campagna pubblicitaria che coinvolge contemporaneamente Italia, Uk e Germania, sottoline ulteriormente la filosofia cruda e reale del concept, dove lo spirito di avventura e la ricerca del reale hanno predominio assoluto.

In Italia seguendo il pay off Don't try this at home, verrano intervistate giovani realtà internazionali del mondo della musica, i primi sono The Bastard sons of Dioniso, senza filtri, in maniera wild e pura per continuare a mostrare la realtà delle cose. Se anche voi siete amanti del vero, non vi resta che andare su e comprare il vostro capo preferito.

Stay True.

Discovery Enterprise International (DEI) presents, a new lifestyle fashion brand inspired by the world Discovery Channel. Dedicated to young, dynamic and conscious, fully follows the philosophy of Discovery: Real life is more interesting than fiction, this is the leitmotif of the whole collection. Jackets, vests, sweatshirts, shirts, t-shirts and trousers are resistant, durable and refined design that combine innovation and technology with the excellence of Made in Italy. Also a brilliant advertising campaign that involves both Italy, UK and Germany, further underlines the philosophy of raw and real concept, where the spirit of adventure and the search for the real have absolute dominance.
In Italy, following the pay-off Do not try this at home, there will be a lots of amazing interviews with youth international realities of the music world, the former are The Bastard sons of Dioniso, without filters, in a wild and pure way to continue to show the reality of things. You are also lovers of the truth, you just need to go and buy your favourite piece on
Stay True.