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Fabien Montique

Normandy, France


Photographer and director 

I am staying in a village in the countryside of Normandy, France


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams? 

I like to keep a structure to my days even if I’m staying at home, so I make a schedule for every day. I spend the first part of my time collecting art references, reading books and watching films I’ve never had time to view for inspiration. As a Barbadian settled in Paris, I use some of my confinement time learning French with a tutor via Skype. I am finding other ways to be creative - shoots via Zoom, painting and drawing. And I never forget to spend time with my pets. I fear that we come out of this experience with no growth. I dream of creating with love. I dream of creating images that are careful, magical, thoughtful and that speak to the society that will emerge. And with work in mind more collaborations and sharing of ideas. I dream of hugging my family. I dream of the ocean with my friends in the summer. 


What is your soundtrack?

Anything Miles Davis.