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Tedman Lee

Hong Kong


Multimedia Creative, DJ, and Founder / Director of The Private Label

Hong Kong


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

It's been a crazy experience and something that has redefined our entire generation. Our lives and habits will forever be different. It’s extremely important to stay positive and hopeful at times like these. For me, it’s been a good time to step back from normality and find peace/recharge. I certainly feel like there will be a creative renaissance in our world once all this is over given the time we’ve had to reflect and finesse our crafts. My fear would be that once things go back to normal after all this, we would completely forget about what happened and go back to being the shitty human beings that we once were. 


What is your soundtrack?

Ironically enough, I started a playlist in January before this whole situation hit us called Private Radio: Stay Home Music with laid back sounds and grooves that I usually wouldn’t play at a party. It’s updated monthly and certainly has been my soundtrack throughout this period.