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Liron Eini

Rishon LeZion, Israel


Creative director and Post Production

Rishon LeZion, Israel


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I just got back from Japan so I'm in quarantine in my parents' house, in a very small room. I'm trying to make the best out of it while I'm here; I've been painting a lot and making digital art, editing some music videos left from my work in Japan. Other than that, lots and lots of MMORPG games with my friends. This truly helps the time go by faster. 

Also, I'm sort of used to being stuck at home playing video games but staying surrounded by four walls can really be depressing sometimes. 

I fear mostly my parents getting infected and I fear their incomes/losing their jobs. I'm worried this will go for too long and I will have no way of helping them out. I guess I'm mostly stressed financially, for my health I don't worry at all, I only worry about my parents' health. I think this entire situation makes you appreciate the smallest things, gives you a better perspective on life.


What is your soundtrack?

When The Sun Hits by Slowdive