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Sofie Fatouretchi

Vienna, Austria



Vienna, Austria


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I try to do some form of exercise every morning, whether it’s just stretching or light yoga just so I don’t completely go crazy, and use the time to work on music. After two weeks though I’m also trying to take the pressure off needing to be productive every day, it’s just not possible. Dreams, I guess I hope that late stage capitalism finally crashes and burns and my fear is that everything will just go back to the way it was with complete disregard to what just happened/is happening.


What is your soundtrack?

I’ve been listening to a lot of Chinese Tai-Ji meditation music, I have an old cassette my father used to do Tai-Ji to, so I listen to that almost every morning. Other than that, ARTHUR has new music out – listen to his single, Fatalist. And Sega Bodega’s debut album Salvador.