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Alena Nikolaeva

Ekaterinburg, Russia



Ekaterinburg, Russia 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

I'm staying at home for almost the whole day. I go out to walk with my dog and sometimes to the forest near my house where are no people. In Russia, there is no official quarantine so I'm keeping taking my driving lessons and 3 days a week I have an ability to go to drive. The rest of my time I study for my final work at the university or take pics at home. At least I really improved my selfies skill haha. I participated in 3 online shootings and it's a great experience, also one pic is now on the Vogue website as a portfolio for a photographer. I am afraid that this situation will be for a longer time and we won't be able to travel this year. I really hope that all this will finish soon because I love travelling and I'm dreaming to meet my friends from other countries and cities again. This year I had a dream to enrol to Italian university after I will finish my university in Russia this year. 


What is your soundtrack?

Electric Youth - Tomorrow.