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Emma Kohlmann

Northampton, Massachusetts



Northampton, Massachusetts 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

My daily life tends to be a lot of solitude. I am very lucky to live in a small town where my studio is still available to work in. My fears are the amount of death that is plaguing the poor and underserved populations. I think the scariest part of this has been realizing there is a significant divide that is internationally known, and there is nothing in place to stop it. My dreams and hopes are to someday be able to with my family and friends again. To enjoy restaurants and art museums and to console each other. To keep making art that somehow helps people too.


What is your soundtrack?

Daniel Johnston album 1990, Eartheater (Trinity), Radiohead (Hail to the Thief and In rainbows), Cocteau Twins (Treasure), CCFX EP, Free Kitten Sentimental Education.