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Shezi Manezi

London, United Kingdom



London, United Kingdom


How are you living the quarantine? Fears and dreams?

We are isolating in our apartment, trying to make the best out of the situation with home exercise, quick jogs outdoors and trying to entertain our 1-year-old son, I even started jogging with the pram so he can see the park for just 30min. But also trying to catch up with family members via FaceTime and even celebrated our son’s first birthday via FaceTime.

These are very weird times and watching the news every morning doesn't always help to stay positive, so I tried to restrict myself from doing so. However, I have started educating myself with graphic design a little and other creative platforms to keep my brain engaged, which I can also use for work purposes too. I can also class myself very fortunate that I can continue to work from home, which I am very grateful for.

My biggest fear, however, is not to see some of my family and friends again. It’s sometimes heartbreaking to see my parents via FaceTime when they want to see us or just want to hold their grandson in their arms. Also having the fear that any of my family and friends can contract the virus and I won't be able to see them ever again if everything goes wrong. But hopefully, if we stick to the rules and stay at home and continue only to do the essentials outside we could hopefully see a light at the end of the tunnel.


What is your soundtrack?

Love of My Life by Queen.