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Alessandro Poggi

Milan, Italy


Uniqlo Italia Mktg Dir.

Milan, Italy 


How are you living the quarantine: fears and dreams?

Quarantine is the biggest opportunity to understand yourself and fight against your demons. Is the opportunity to clean body, mind and find what you really need and what you want to stand for. Everything you are doing now, have to consider different solutions, with different timing and probably different point of view – and this is all you need to grow.  You can travel with your mind, and this can open several opportunities.  Dreams are always the same, but at this moment I’m taking the opportunity to continue to work on a book about myself and my kitchen, we have more time, and we must catch the chance. I’m not scared, but really sad about all the people are suffering at this moment, we are lucky to stay at home and not in a bed in hospital or everyday working against an invisible enemy. Unfortunately, is our nature, nobody will learn something about this moment – this is super sad.  There is no hope outside, but you can find the way inside you.


What is your soundtrack?

My Geneva is working 12 hours’ x day, but definitely during the night always in loop LUB DUB by …A toys Orchestra.