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nss meets a new Generation of Local Heroes in Milan

photography Vincenzo Schioppa

nss meets a new Generation of Local Heroes in Milan  photography Vincenzo Schioppa

A new vision of the brand is represented by a generation secure of itself, that wants to rediscover the past with an eye always focused on the future. These are the people who choose Converse Pro Leather Vulc.

The new brand's aesthetic is reinterpreted by four local heroes in Milan, well aware of how important it is to be authentic. They dream to succeed in their creative careers and they know how to do it with the right style. 

Diego Caterbetti, producer, Maria Vittoria Reale, stylist, Enrique Migliorini, skater, and Chiara Baratello, art lover and stylist are the young guys who answered the call. They have been shot in the City places they love, which represent themselves and mostly their style and passions. 

The result is a visual trip around Milan. Jumping from the urban valley of Parco Lambro with Enrique, the perfect place to skateboard, to the new design district of Garibaldi where Chiara takes inspiration for her artworks. Then going in the high fashion street of Montenapoleone together with Maria Vittoria, the place closer to her passion for style. The travel ends in the nightlife area of Gae Aulenti where Diego better express his passion for music.

Four young people, stylish and fresh, always connected, always on the move. They know how to stand out in any situation and these new talents demonstrate what it means to be authentic and how to live the City with confidence and passion.



“Stand out in any situation.

Don’t be afraid to show who you really are.” 







“Life is a matter of statements. Choose to be the only one.”





“Make fashion your strength.

Be authentic, be confident.”





“Retrace the past looking towards the future.”




Local Heroes Maria Vittoria Reale, Diego Caterbetti, Enrique Migliorini, Chiara Baratello 


Photography Vincenzo Schioppa
Art direction nss factory