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The Greatest Living Athlete

Sports, business, cinema, politics. GQ found more than one reason to consider The Chosen One the GOAT

The Greatest Living Athlete Sports, business, cinema, politics. GQ found more than one reason to consider The Chosen One the GOAT

By now, everyone noticed that LeBron James is not your average athlete. Despite all the pressures, the attempt to discredit his legacy, and the difficulty in being continuously out-shadowed by MJ’s ghost, the Chosen One always managed to elevate his position year after year, transcending the simple concept of a basketball player. They seem to think the same at GQ, that in the cover that celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of the US magazine indicated LeBron James as “The Greatest Living Athlete”. Not bad at all. 

The “Gentlemen's Quarterly”, in fact, wanted to celebrate the all-around figure of King James. As an athlete, of course, with all the victories, the broken records, and the unmatchable will to confirm himself as the NBA GOAT year after year, but also for his commitment outside of the hardwood. In business, cinema and - of course - politics. Basically the creation of a figure that, besides the sports awards that he will win in his career, will bring him to become an icon of our times and redefine new standards of greatness. “The Greatest Living Athlete”.