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Real Madrid is not using the La Liga font

You can't even apply it on jerseys bought in the Blancos' store

Real Madrid is not using the La Liga font You can't even apply it on jerseys bought in the Blancos' store

Since some federations have introduced their own fonts standardizing the visual appearance of the league there has been tension with major clubs that would instead like to distinguish themselves through their own aesthetic choices. These include Real Madrid, which this season chose not to use the font required by La Liga and instead print their own on their jerseys, which is distinguished by not having the corporate crest at the base of the numbers. A minimal but significant difference, which the Blancos are using perhaps to demonstrate their opposition to the uniformity required by La Liga. In fact, even in the jerseys purchased from the Madrid club's official stores, it is not possible to print the numbers with the font chosen by the federation but only those without a crest at the bottom.

Other La Liga teams such as Atletico Madrid and Valencia have also changed the official font, opting for solid numbers instead of distinguished by the ventilation holes. La Liga, which introduced in 2017 the choice to streamline the fonts of all teams in the league, has not yet made a communication about it at the moment.