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The Big Betrayal

For love, for respect or for victory, but Claudio Ranieri has been betrayed by Leicester City

The Big Betrayal For love, for respect or for victory, but Claudio Ranieri has been betrayed by Leicester City

What if that’s the right choice? And if the locker room really needed a radical choice? Have you have took some decision for “the greater good”, even if it was against your principles, ethic, or against yourselves? 

That’s exactly what’s happened to Leicester City. We all love the stories, the tales, but the truth is that you can’t live of emotions. We all wanted that, but this world is cruel, and in the end you look at the facts. You look at reality and “Bam!”. You hurt yourself, because it is what it is, we can’t deny it. Claudio Ranieri has been sacrificed for the greater good, the club’s one, as the victory agains Liverpool, one of the best teams in the Premier League, proves. 

It seemed last year’s team, something else than the one we’ve seen this year. Claudio has been betrayed by the most loyal ones, by the management, but for sure not by the supporters, which praised him with chants and banners. Ranieri, though, was betrayed. For love, maybe. Love for the history, love for the team and for the respect to move forward, to try to forget, leaving everything else behind.

It’s not random that Leicester City won, it’s not random that it will save the season and try to beat Sevilla in the Champions League. The choice has been done right. Ugly, bastard, cowards, but right. The locker room needed something different. New incentives. Team needed to be teased rather than cuddled.

Victory is victory, in front of the numbers you shut up. Ranieri made history, but now it’s time for someone to write it over, and in fact he’s called Shakespeare. Because football, like life, is jus an immense, fucking novel.