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France changes its logo after World Cup's winning

Minimal differences with the old logo, but there's one more star

France changes its logo after World Cup's winning Minimal differences with the old logo, but there's one more star

Exactly ten days after the Moscow final, the FFF (Fédération Française de Football) decided to renew the old official logo. Without any big turning, it's clear, but obviously providing the addition of the second star to symbolize the World Cup's title win by the French team for the second time.

With a press release appeared on the official website, they have been released little changes made to the new logos, which will be precisely two, and both always in hexagonal shape. The main one, which will represent both the male and female senior national teams, the only difference with the past lies in the color of the external frame and the insertion of the second star at the top. The second badge will instead be reserved for the Federation and will be used for all teams and all competitions, including amateur ones. It is not accompanied by any star, while below the cockerel will appear only FFF, without the word France. None of the two logos should, however, appear on the game jerseys, as has already happened in Russia 2018.