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The new Dragon Ball Super-inspired edition of Monopoly

When Goku and Vegeta meet capitalism

The new Dragon Ball Super-inspired edition of Monopoly  When Goku and Vegeta meet capitalism

Hasbro has just released a new edition of Monopoly inspired by the Dragon Ball Super universe. Players will have to sell and exchange warriors with each other, who will have the appearance of the main characters of the iconic series: Goku, Jiren, Gohan, Piccolo, Frost and Vegeta. 

The "Gods" and "Warriors" cards will replace the Community Chest and Chance decks, the Jail will instead be replaced by the "YOU LOSE A FIGHT" box and, instead of buying land property, you will have to recruit warriors. The game's money will remain but the notes will be inspired by the character of Zeno, King of the Twelve Universes.

The new edition of Monopoly: Dragon Ball Super Universe Survival Edition is available on Amazon.