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Urban Facts

A project by Emanuele Di Cesare

Urban Facts  A project by Emanuele Di Cesare

Most part of the photographs we see on the streets are advertising images. If we want to defend our eyes from advertising we have to search in books, magazines, art galleries or museums. However, all these spaces have to respect rules, and become inaccessible for costs and distances, and they need to undergo the laws of the market where everything becomes saleable.

Urban facts is a project of photographer Emanuele Di Cesare born from the need of avoiding the limits of his city – Naples – and modifying them with what the artist has seen around the world.

#0 Naples. The metro stop Scampia-Piscinola has a particular entrance because you pass in front of a kind of underpass which reminds me of the mines I’ve photographed in Bolivia.

The devil mines. I’ve been inside a mine of the city of Potosì in Bolivia, after 10 minutes I wished I had never been there. At the entrance there were still the signs of the sacrifices of the lamas and their blood which was versed at the door.

Once outside the sun almost blinds you, the eyes are used to the dark and it takes a while to open them completely. I realized I was covered by thick layer of dust, that I’ve been able to take away from my skin, but not from my mind.