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Vote the best magazine cover of 2018

On Coverjunkie the most creative magazines' covers appears in 2018

Vote the best magazine cover of 2018 On Coverjunkie the most creative magazines' covers appears in 2018
metro - n° 2898, 13 nov

metro - n° 2898, 13 nov

Fukt - n° 17

Fukt - n° 17

Metropoli - n° 756

Metropoli - n° 756

Time - 3/10 sett

Time - 3/10 sett

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - n°39

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - n°39

Aiga eye on design

Aiga eye on design

Vogue Portugal - n° 4

Vogue Portugal - n° 4

Frieze - n° 192

Frieze - n° 192

The new York Times Magazine - 10 giugno

The new York Times Magazine - 10 giugno

PM - n° 4, nov

PM - n° 4, nov

ESPN - 5 feb

ESPN - 5 feb

the California Sunday Magazine - 3 giu

the California Sunday Magazine - 3 giu

New York - 29 ott/11 nov

New York - 29 ott/11 nov

Newsweek - 30 nov

Newsweek - 30 nov

Stylist - n° 44

Stylist - n° 44

Volkskrant Magazine - n° 870

Volkskrant Magazine - n° 870

The Economist - 24-30 mar

The Economist - 24-30 mar

Albert Magazine - n° 3

Albert Magazine - n° 3

Adbusters - 10 sett

Adbusters - 10 sett

Time - 22 gen

Time - 22 gen

the New Yorker - 22 gen

the New Yorker - 22 gen

Coverjunkie is the site that collects the best magazine covers, a celebration of creative covers & their ace designers. No matter whether they are photographs, graphics or 3D, the inspiration that can give us the covers is very powerful and combines with a visual force that is the success of any advertising-journalistic product. You can vote on the website your 3 favorite covers, from a list that includes the topical moments of 2018, Trump, Italian politics, facebook and Stan Lee.

Looking at the polls it seems that the favorite by the audience is Vogue Spain one, with an Apple computer desk with lots of folders which indicate the contents of that issue. The nss favorite is the photograph on The California Sunday Magazine.

Stylist - n° 44

Stylist - n° 44

Albert Magazine - n° 3

Albert Magazine - n° 3

Metropoli - n° 756

Metropoli - n° 756

Time - 3/10 sett

Time - 3/10 sett

the California Sunday Magazine - 3 giu

the California Sunday Magazine - 3 giu

PM - n° 4, nov

PM - n° 4, nov

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - n°39

Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin - n°39

Aiga eye on design

Aiga eye on design

metro - n° 2898, 13 nov

metro - n° 2898, 13 nov

Vogue Portugal - n° 4

Vogue Portugal - n° 4

Fukt - n° 17

Fukt - n° 17

Frieze - n° 192

Frieze - n° 192

The new York Times Magazine - 10 giugno

The new York Times Magazine - 10 giugno

Newsweek - 30 nov

Newsweek - 30 nov

New York - 29 ott/11 nov

New York - 29 ott/11 nov

Time - 22 gen

Time - 22 gen

Adbusters - 10 sett

Adbusters - 10 sett

ESPN - 5 feb

ESPN - 5 feb

The Economist - 24-30 mar

The Economist - 24-30 mar

the New Yorker - 22 gen

the New Yorker - 22 gen

Volkskrant Magazine - n° 870

Volkskrant Magazine - n° 870