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Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony Resort 2012

Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony Resort 2012

Vision - Gli anni 90' ispirano Chloë Sevigny per la sua ultima collezione con Opening Ceremony. Il Surfer incontra lo Skater portando lo streetwear alla ribalta con loghi e stampe di grandi dimensioni, mantenendo forti gli elementi distintivi della gamma. Offrendo un trench nero o una cropped jacket, Sevigny definisce con una certa nostalgia e umorismo il mix, rendendo per un'altra volta proficua la collaborazione con Opening Ceremony. Online in vendita la collezione qui


Vision – The 90s resurface as actress Chloë Sevigny approaches her latest collection for Opening Ceremony Surfer meets skater as a laid-back approach brings streetwear to the forefront with large logos and loud prints noting the range’s signature elements. Whether offering up a black trench or cropped jacket, Sevigny curates separates with a nostalgia and certain humor, making for another successful collaboration with Opening Ceremony. Buy online Here