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8 incredible Larry Bird's outfits

Let's celebrate "The Legend"'s 60th birthday

8 incredible Larry Bird's outfits Let's celebrate The Legend's 60th birthday

It’s not easy to describe the importance and the majesty of Larry “The Legend” Bird. We could start with all his titles, or with one of the best rivalries in basketball (with Magic, of course), or with the MVP, Coach of the Year and GM of the year awards. Or even with his words, often used as a weapon, with some famous quotes like: “ That wasn’t MJ, that was God disguised as Michael Jordan”. Larry Bird was basketball.

For his 60th birthday, we thought to look at his life from a different perspective. From a blonde boy born and raised in Indiana in the Sixties/Seventies with a veteran father and a loving mother. We’ve chosen 8 unbelievable outfits Larry Bird showed in his life.

This is Larry as a kid, whiteout his iconic blonde hairs. Looking at his sweater, his childhood mustn’t be so different than ours.

Here Larry is with his mother. Probably in the early eighties, with the disco mania on top. Also with an adidas sweatshirt that will be a trading mark for a certain time of his life.

Here in all its glory, the great rivalry we were talking about. Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, two of the best players ever, going out. Larry with the usual sweatshirt and Magic with a blouse.

First day in the NBA, with a very different Draft than the one we know these days. Here he’s signing his contract with the legendary Red Auerbach and a tight polo with huge necklace.

Larry is getting ready to become “The Legend”, with all Celtics’ tradition on his shoulders. As this photo testifies, he becomes the cover guy also for commercials.

These are the nineties and the NBA outfit has overcome arenas, landing on the streets. In this pic, a small contribute Larry gave to the cause. 


On the apex of his career, Larry is a global celebrity and he can’t ever go to the cinema without being observed. Neither does his sweaters.

Once retired, Larry gives all his soul to the Indiana Pacers. First as coach and then as manager. He’s a fine coach and he doesn’t give up on perfect nineties suits. Larry grew up and so did his dress code.