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Anatomy of a young rapper: Ghali

Analysis of the Milan rapper's success, from his hot hits to the flawless style

Anatomy of a young rapper: Ghali Analysis of the Milan rapper's success, from his hot hits to the flawless style

"Da una stalla a una stella" ("from rags to riches"),

Ghali sings in his hit Ninna Nanna and can we blame him? From Baggio, one of the various neighborhoods in Milan, the young rapper with Tunisian roots has come a long way. 

Hit by hit, from the very first successes, like Dende and Sempre Me, until Wily Wily produced by Charlie Charles, the first single who definitely has launched Ghali to the worldwide attention – thanks also to a stunning music video directed by Martina Pastori –, the rapper has never stopped since today: thousands of views on Youtube, interviews, sold out gigs and a certificate Gold Record have made Ghali one of the most interesting new names of the Italian music scene

Today his new single Happy Days has been dropped, the Siren Festival 2017 has announced him as new guest of the event and his first-ever album will be released on May 26th, but what's the Ghali's key to success?


Everybody loves Ghali. His hits are broadcasted on radio but didn't miss the respect of his longtime fans. I guess this is the Ghali's secret, his ability to talk to everybody, with his music and his verses who sound like nursery rhymes but stained with mud and streets. Ghali combines the bitterness of the life in a neighborhood with catchy, Arabian-like trap melodies – produced by Charlie Charles masterfully –, who bring us to his far away Tunisia. 


But not only this, Ghali's success includes also his flawless style. Right away the Milan rapper was noticed thanks to his dressy, "fancy" looks, emerging among his Italian colleagues. If you allow me a comparison, I think that Ghali is our Italian A$AP Rocky, with his Stone Island total-looksadidas tracksuits, and customized denim jackets, mixing streetwear and fashion magazines like outfits. Like his verses, even his style is "elegant", no useless excesses, but it is successful, so successful to be chosen by adidas Italia for a special unboxing video of the new INIKI Boost Runner.

Like every real rapper, even Ghali has his clothing line: Sto Clothing. The little white hand printed on every garment of the brand is now a symbol of the rapper and his crew, giving rise to a real street style phenomenon who increases both his popularity and the sense of belonging to one big family for his fans.