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Edicola issue #4 is out now

An analysis of human personality through the different facets of faces

the face is the new issue of Edicola which aims at analyzing human personality and the facets of faces. Through the lenses and visions of eight photographers, the human face is decomposed and analyzed in its physical and psychological components.

Edicola issue 4 the face, discover more here.

Marianna Sanvito

Marianna Sanvito

felix - out now
Cristina Coral

Cristina Coral

Hidden Beauty - out on 12/06

Francesco Petroni

Portraits - out on 16/06
Giovanni Fato

Giovanni Fato

Lucie - out on 21/06
Alan Chies & Alessandro Simonetti

Alan Chies & Alessandro Simonetti

476 Broadway - out on 26/06


Cinema Italia & more - out on 30/06
Sha Ribeiro

Sha Ribeiro

Show me what you got - out on 05/07


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